Yoshimi Hatsukade (廿日出 好)

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 Professional Experience


 Selected Publications

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1.       Y. Hatsukade, M. S. A
-Hassan, N. Kasai, H. Takashima, H. Hatta, and A. Ishiyama, “SQUID-NDE Method on Damaged Area and Damage degree of Defects in Composite Materials”, to be published in IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond. (2003).

2.       Y. Hatsukade, N. Kasai, H. Takashima and A. Ishiyama, “Non-contact SQUID-NDT Method Using Ferrite Core for Carbon-Fiber Composites”, Supercond. Sci. Technol., 15, 1728-1732 (2002).

3.       Y. Hatsukade, N. Kasai, M. Kurosawa, R. Kawai, H. Takashima, F. Kojima, and A. Ishiyama, “Detection of internal cracks and delamination in carbon-fiber-reinforced plastics using SQUID-NDI system”, Physica C 372-376, 267-270 (2002).

4.       Y. Hatsukade, N. Kasai and A. Ishiyama, “Nondestructive detection of delamination in carbon-fiber-reinforced plastics using high-Tc superconducting quantum interference device”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 40, L606-L608 (2001).

5.       N. Kasai, Y. Fujinawa, H. Iitaka, K. Nomura, S. Sato, T. Doi, T. Nemoto, Y. Hatsukade and A. Ishiyama, “Development of the HTS-SQUID system for measuring ULF band magnetic field changes related with earthquakes”, Supercond. Sci. Technol., 14, 1135-1139 (2001).

6.       小島史男, 河合亮祐, 葛西直子, 廿日出好: 「パラメータ推定による超伝導量子干渉計を用いた定量的非破壊評価計算法(第2報、周波数応答による深さ方向欠陥形状同定, 日本機械学会論文集(C編), 1373-1378 (2001).

7.       Y. Hatsukade, N. Kasai, H. Takashima, R. Kawai, F. Kojima, and A. Ishiyama, “Development of an NDE method using SQUIDs for the reconstruction of defect shapes”, IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., 11, 1311-1314 (2001).

8.       葛西直子, 中山哲, 廿日出好, 上坂充:「低合金鋼A533Bにおける疲労のSQUIDによる観察」, 日本AEM学会誌 8, 16 (2000).

9.       N. Kasai, D. Suzuki, Y. Hatsukade and M. Koyanagi, “Nondestructive detection of flaw in carbon-fiber-reinforced plastics using high-Tc superconducting quantum interference device”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 39, 1399 (2000).

10.  N. Kasai, D. Suzuki, H. Takashima, M. Koyanagi and Y. Hatsukade, “HTS-dcSQUID gradiometer for nondestructive evaluation”, IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., 9, 4393 (1999).


1.      Y. Hatsukade, N. Kasai, H. Takashima, M. Kurosawa and A. Ishiyama, “Nondestructive detection of inside cracks and delamination in carbon-fiber-reinforced plastics using superconducting quantum interference device”, Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (VI), (IOS Press,eds F. Kojima, T. Takagi, S.S. Upda and J. Pavo), 189 (2002).

2.      N. Kasai, S. Nakayama, Y. Hatsukade and M. Uesaka, “Magnetic detection of mechanical degradation of low alloy steel by SQUID-NDE system”, Appl. Superconductivity 1999 2, (IOS Press), 557 (2000).

3.      Y. Hatsukade, N. Kasai, F. Kojima, H. Takashima and A. Ishiyama, “Detection of internal defects using HTS-SQUID for non-destructive evaluation”, Appl. Superconductivity 1999 2 (IOS Press), 513 (2000).

4.      N. Kasai, Y. Hatsukade, H. Takashima and F. Kojima, “Development of Nondestructive Evaluation System based on High-Tc SQUID”, The 9th MAGDA Conference論文集, 12  (2000).

5.      Y. Hatsukade, N. Kasai, H. Takashima, F. Kojima and A. Ishiyama, “Development of a new method to detect the shape of internal flaws using SQUID”, The 9th MAGDA Conference論文集, 85 (2000).


1.       N. Kasai, Y. Hatsukade, SQUID application to nondestructive evaluation for complex material, 2002 Taiwan-Japan Symposium on SQUID & Communication Electronics, (Nov. 2002 Taiwan).

2.       Y. Hatsukade, M. S. Aly-Hassan, N. Kasai, H. Takashima, H. Hatta, and A. Ishiyama, “SQUID-NDE Method on Damaged Area and Damage degree of Defects in Composite Materials”, Appl. Superconductivity Conference, (Aug. 2002, Houston).

3.       Y. Hatsukade, N. Kasai, H. Takashima and A. Ishiyama, “Non-contact SQUID-NDT Method Using Ferrite Core for Carbon-Fiber Composites”, 18th IUMRS Int. Conf. on Electronic Materials, (June 2002, Xian).

4.       坂巻充彦, 葛西直子, 廿日出好, 高島浩, 丸野善生, 根本俊雄, 石山敦士:「先進複合材料のための冷凍機冷却SQUID-NDEシステム その1」, 2003年春季応用物理学会講演会, (2003年3月, 神奈川大学).

5.       廿日出好, 葛西直子, 坂巻充彦, 高島浩, 丸野善生, 根本俊雄, 石山敦士:「先進複合材料のための冷凍機冷却SQUID-NDEシステム その2」, 2003年春季応用物理学会講演会, (2003年3月, 神奈川大学).

6.       廿日出好, 葛西直子, 高島浩, 石山敦士:「SQUID-NDTシステムを用いた引張試験によるC/Cの損傷の診断」, 2002年秋季応用物理学会講演会, (2002年9月, 新潟大学).

7.       廿日出 好, 葛西直子, 黒沢雅徳, 高島 浩, 杉浦和郎, 根本俊雄, 石山敦士:「SQUIDグラジオメータによる材料内の電流分布の観測」, 第49回応用物理学関係連合講演会, (2002年3月, 東海大学).

8.       葛西直子, 廿日出好, 黒沢雅徳, 杉浦和郎:「超伝導センサSQUID-NDEを用いた非破壊検査手法:その1 CFRPへの適用可能性」, 第26回複合材料シンポジウム, (2001年11月, 東京).

9.       廿日出好, 葛西直子, 黒沢雅徳, 杉浦和郎:「超伝導センサSQUID-NDEを用いた非破壊検査手法:その2 CFRPへの適用可能性」, 第26回複合材料シンポジウム, (2001年11月, 東京).

10.  廿日出好, 葛西直子, 黒沢雅徳, 杉浦和郎, 高島 浩, 石山敦士:「通常環境下でのSQUID-NDEシステムを用いたCFRPの深部欠陥の検出」, 第62回応用物理学会学術講演会, (2001年9月, 名古屋).

11.  Y. Hatsukade, N. Kasai, H. Takashima, M. Kurosawa and A. Ishiyama, “Detection of Internal Cracks and Delamination in Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Plastics using SQUID-NDI System”, 5th Euro. Conf. on Appl. Supercond., (Aug.2001, Copenhagen).

12.  Y. Hatsukade, N. Kasai, H. Takashima, M. Kurosawa and A. Ishiyama, “Nondestructive detection of inside cracks and delamination in carbon-fiber-reinforced plastics using superconducting quantum interference device”, The 7th Int. Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation, (May 2001, Kobe).

13.  廿日出好, 葛西直子, 黒沢雅徳, 高島 浩, 石山敦士:「SQUID-NDEシステムを用いたCFRPの層間剥離の検出」, 第48回応用物理学関係連合講演会, (2001年3月、東京).


Since 2000 I have been studying an application work using High Tc SQUID for Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) at Waseda University and Toyohashi University. of Technology.

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