Publication List


2011 Saburo Tanaka,“Metallic contaminant detection system for Li ion battery”, Abstract of 2nd Annual International Conference Battery Safety 2011, Advancements in Systems Design, Integration & Testing for Safety & Reliability, Knowledge Foundation, p676-714, November 9-10, 2011, Las Vegas, NV USA.(Invited Oral)
Y.Hatsukade, Y.Shinyama, Y.Takai, M.S.Aly-Hassan, A.Nakai, H.Hamada, S.Adachi, K.Tanabe and S.Tanaka, “Non Destructive Evaluation of ±45°Flat Braided Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers with Carbon Nanofibers using HTS-SQUID Gradiometer”, Abstract of 24th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2011), FDP-44 pp266-266, Oct. 24-26, 2011, Tokyo, Japan.(Poster)
N.Terauchi, S.Noguchi, H.Igarashi, Y.Hatsukade and S.Tanaka, “Numerical Simulation of SQUID Magnetometer Consideraing Josephson Junction as Equivalence Ciarcuit”, Abstract of 24th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2011), FDP-47 pp268-268, Oct. 24-26, 2011, Tokyo, Japan.(Poster)
S.Fukumoto, T.Chigasaki, S.Tsunaki, Y.Hatsukade and S.Tanaka, “UFL-NMR/MRI System using HTS-SQUID and Permanent Magnet”, Abstract of 24th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2011), FDP-48,  pp268-268, Oct. 24-26, 2011, Tokyo, Japan.(Poster)
D.Zhang, S.Fukumoto, S.Tsunaki, Y.Hatsukade and S.Tanaka, “Improvement of Signal to Noise Ration of HTS-rf-SQUID for Ultra-Low Field NMR/MRI by 77K LC Resonant Circuit”, Abstract of 24th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2011), FDP-49, pp269-269, Oct. 24-26, 2011, Tokyo, Japan.(Poster)
Y. Hatsukade, M. Takemoto, R. Kurosawa and S. Tanaka, “Improved Characteristics of Integrated HTS rf SQUID on Bicrystal SrTiO3 Substrate Resonator Covered with HTS Thin Fiulms in Flip-Chip Geometry”, Abstract of Supaerconductivity Centennial Conf. 2011 (SCC2011), 1-EA-P20, pp78-78, Sep.18-23, 2011, Hague, Nethrland.(Poster)
N. Terauchi, S. Noguchi, H. Igurashi, Y. Hatsukade and S. Tanaka, “Magnetic Shielding simulation of superconducting film shield covering directly coupled HTS dc-SQUID magnetometer”, Abstract of Supaerconductivity Centennial Conf. 2011 (SCC2011), 1-EA-P21, pp78-78, Sep.18-23, 2011, Hague, Nethrland.(Poster)
Y. Shinyama, Y. Hatsukade, S. Tanaka, Y. Takai, M. S. Aly-Hassan, A. Nakai and H. Hamada, “Prediction of Initiation Site of Detection of Flat Braded Carbon Fiber Composites using HTS-SQUID Gradiometer”, Abstract of Supaerconductivity Centennial Conf. 2011 (SCC2011), 1-EA-P25,  pp79-79, Sep.18-23, 2011, Hague, Nethrland.(Poster)
Y. Kitamura, R. Kurosawa, Y. Hatsukade, T. Ohtani, S. Suzuki and S. Tanaka, “Multi-channel High-Tc SQUID Detection System for Metallic Contaminants”, Abstract of Supaerconductivity Centennial Conf. 2011 (SCC2011), 1-EA-P26,  pp79-79, Sep.18-23, 2011, Hague, Nethrland.(Poster)
Saburo Tanaka, Yoshihiro Kitamura, Yoshimi Hatsukade, Takeyoshi Ohtani, Shuichi Suzuki, “Metallic contaminant detection system using multi-channel high Tc SQUID”, Abstract of Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism" (MISM-2011), 25TL-G-3, p.891-892, August 21-25, 2011, Moscow, Russia.(Invited Oral)
2010 Y. Hatsukade, K. Hayashi, Y. Shinyama, S. Adachi, K. Tanabe, S. Tanaka, “Robot-based 3D-mobile compact HTS-SQUID NDE system”, 23rd International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2010), Program & Abstracts, p.142, 3 Nov., 2010, Tsukuba, Japan. (Invited Oral)
Y. Shinyama, Y. Hatsukade, Y. Takai, M.S. Aly-Hassan, A. Nakai, H. Hamada, S. Adachi, K. Tanabe, S. Tanaka, “Nondestructive evaluation of braided carbon fiber composites with artificial defect using HTS-SQUID gradiometer”, 23rd International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2010), Program & Abstracts, p.298, 3 Nov., 2010, Tsukuba, Japan. (Poster)
S. Tanaka, T. Akai, Y. Kitamura, Y. Hatsukade, T. Otani, and S. Suzuki, “Two-Channel HTS SQUID Gradiometer System for Detection of Metallic Contaminants in Lithium-Ion Battery”, Abstract of Applied Supperconductivity Conference 2010 (ASC2010), 3EP3F-01, August1-6, 2010. Washington DC, USA. (Poster)
M.Takemoto, T. Akai, Y.Kitamra, Y. Hatsukade and S. Tanaka, “HTS-rf-SQUID Microscope for Mettalic Contaminant Detection”, Abstract of Applied Supperconductivity Conference 2010 (ASC2010), 3EP3F-03, August1-6, 2010. Washington DC, USA. (Poster)
S.Fukumoto, M. Hayashi, Y.Katsu, M.Suzuki, R.Morita, Y. Naganuma, Y. Hatsukade O. Snigirev and S. Tanaka, “Liquid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Measurements for Imaging using HTS-rf-SQUID in Ultra-Low Field”, Abstract of Applied Supperconductivity Conference 2010 (ASC2010), 5EPJ-05, August1-6, 2010. Washington DC, USA. (Poster)
O. Snigirev, M.Hayashi, S. Fukumoto, Y. Hatsukade, Y. Katsu and S.Tanaka, “Development of Ultra Low Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging System Using HTS rf SQUID”, Proceedings of International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism (ICSM2010), p737-737, April 25-30, 2010, Antalya, Turkey. (Poster)
Y. Hatsukade, A. Karitani, M. Takemoto, T. Terui, Y. Kitamura, Y. Shinyama, S. Fukumoto, and S. Tanaka, “Biomagnetic Application using HTS-SQUID Array”, 2010 East Asia Symposium on Biomagnetism, Abstract, p. 30, April. 15, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan (Invited oral)
2009 S. Tanaka, T. Akai, Y. Hatsukade, T. Ohtani, Y. Ikeda and S. Suzuki, “SQUID application for Magnetic Contaminant Detection”, Abstract of 22st International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2009), PROGRAM & ABSTRACTS, p142-142, Nov. 2-4, 2009, Tsukuba, Japan. (Invited Oral)
Y. Mashiko, Y. Hatsukade, T. Yasui, H. Takenaka, Y. Todaka, M. Fukumoto, S. Tanaka, “Evaluation of joint interface of friction stir welding between dissimilar metals using HTS-SQUID gradiometer”, Abstract of 22st International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2009), PROGRAM & ABSTRACTS, p277-277, Nov. 2-4, 2009, Tsukuba, Japan. (Poster)
Saburo Tanaka, Tomohiro Akai, Makoto Takemoto, Yoshimi Hatsukade, Takeyoshi Ohtani, Yoshio Ikeda and Shuichi Suzuki, “Metallic Contaminant Detection using HTS SQUID Gradiometer”, Abstract of East Asia Symposium on Superconductor Electronics, W3-5, p41-41, October 12-15, 2009, Nanjin, China. (Oral)
Y. Hatsukade, K. Hayashi, S. Tanaka, K. Tanabe, “Robot-arm-based NDE of Hydrogen Fuel Tank using a 3D-movable HTS-SQUID gradiometer”, Abstract of 9th Europican Conference on Applied Superconductivity 2009 (EUCAS2009), HSZ304, p5-5, Sep. 13-17, 2009, Dresden, Germany. (Oral)
Hayashi, Y Hatsukade, Y Katsu, S Fukumoto and S Tanaka, “Development of low field nuclear magnetic resonance system using HTS rf SQUID”, Abstract of 9th Europican Conference on Applied Superconductivity 2009 (EUCAS2009), P-127, p28-28, Sep. 13-17, 2009, Dresden, Germany. (Poster)
Yoshimi Hatsukade, Atsushi Miyazaki, Hideki Matsuura, Tatsumi Maeda, Akio Suzuki, Saburo Tanaka, “Detection of Wire Breakage in Compressive Conductor Joint using HTS-SQUID Gradiometer”, Extended Abstract of ISEC2009, SQ-P09, p60-61, June 16-19, 2009, Fukuoka, Japan. (Poster)
Oleg Vasiljevich Snigirev, Ivan Volkov, Dmitry Baranov, Alexander Volkov, Yasukuni Torii, saburo Tanaka, “SQUID-Relaxometric Technique for Studying the Magnetic Nanoparticles”, Extended Abstract of ISEC2009, SQ-P10, p62-63, June 16-19, 2009, Fukuoka, Japan. (Poster)
Tomonori Akai, Makoto Takemoto, Yoshimi Hatsukade, Saburo Tanaka, “Study of Magnetic Metallic Contaminant Detector using HTS-SQUID Gradiometer”, SQ-P11, p64-65, Extended Abstract of ISEC2009, June 16-19, 2009, Fukuoka, Japan. (Poster)
Yoshimi Hatsukade, Sho Kanai, Masahiro Hayashi, Keita Hayashi, Saburo Tanaka, “Study of Robustness of HTS-SQUID Magnetometer Covered by Superconducting Shield in AC Magnetic Field”, Extended Abstract of ISEC2009, SQ-P26, p368-369, June 16-19, 2009, Fukuoka, Japan. (Invited Poster)
S. Tanaka, T. Akai, Y. Hatsukade, T. Ohtani, and S. Suzuki, “High Tc SQUID detection system for metallic contaminant in lithium ion battery”, Digest of 2009 International Magnetic Conference (InterMag2009), pFC-04, May 4-8, 2009, Sacramento, CA, USA. (Oral)
Y. Hatsukade, S. Masaki, S. Yoshida and S. Tanaka, “Biomagnetic measurement using three-channel high-Tc superconducting quantum interference device array system”, LifeChip 2009, Proceedings, pp. **-**, Jan. 9, 2009, Irvin, USA (Poster).
2008 Y. Zhang, L. Q. Qiu, H. -J. Krause, A. I. Braginski, O. Andreas, S. Tanaka, “Low-Field NMR Measurements using HTS Rf SQUIDs”, Abstracts of 21st International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS 2008), p147-147 Oct. 27-29, 2008, Tsukuba, Japan. (Invited oral)
A. Miyazaki, Y. Hatsukade, H. Matsuura, T. Maeda, A. Suzuki and S. Tanaka, “Detection OF wire element breakage in power transmission line using HTS SQUID”, Abstract of 21st International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2008), PROGRAM & ABSTRACTS, p318-318, Oct. 27-29, 2008, Tsukuba, Japan. (Poster)
Saburo Tanaka and Yoshimi Hatsukade, “Metallic Foreign Matter Detection Technology using High-Tc SQUID Sensor”, Proceeding of 2008 Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Advanced Semiconductor Processes and Equipments, p260-264, October 9-11, 2008, Hokkaido, Japan. (Poster)
Saburo Tanaka, Yoshimi Hatsukade, Shinya Okuno, Masahiro Hayashi, High-Tc SQUID Application for Low Field NMR”, Book of Abstracts 16th Int. Conf. on Biomagnetism (BIOMAG 2008), p231-231, Aug. 25-29, 2008, Hokkaido, Japan.(Poster)
Y. Hatsukade, K. Noda, S. Masaki, S. Yoshida, Y. Torii, A. Karitani and S. Tanaka, “Development of Multi-channel high-Tc SQUID System for Bio-magnetic Measurements of Small Subjects”, Biomagnetism Interdisciplinary Research and Exploration, Eds. R. Kakigi, K. Yokosawa, S. Kuriki, Hokkaido University Press, pp. 27-29, Aug. 25-29, 2008, Hokkaido, Japan.(Poster)
Y. Hatsukade, K. Yotsugi, H. Wakana, Y. Tarutani, K. Tanabe, and S. Tanaka, “Robot-based NDE System using 3-D-Mobile HTS-SQUID”, Abstracts of Applied Superconductivity Conference 2008 (ASC08) (Web, August 17 – 22, 2008, Chicago USA. (Poster)
S. Kanai, Y. Hatsukade, K. Mori, and S. Tanaka, “Eddy-current-based SQUID-NDE System for Copper Tubes with Laser Displacement Sensor”, Abstracts of Applied Superconductivity Conference 2008 (ASC08) (Web, August 17 – 22, 2008, Chicago USA. (Poster)
Saburo Tanaka, T. Akai, Y. Hatsukade, T. Ohtani, and S. Suzuki, “High Tc SQUID System for Detection of Small Metallic Contaminant in industrial products”, Abstracts of Applied Superconductivity Conference 2008 (ASC08) (Web, August 17 – 22, 2008, Chicago USA. (Oral)
Longqing Q. Qiu, Yi Zhang, Hans-Joachim Krause, Alex I. Braginski, Saburo Tanaka, and Andreas Offenhäusser Andreas Offenhäusser, “High-Performance Low-Field NMR Utilizing a High-Tc rf SQUID”, Abstracts of Applied Superconductivity Conference 2008 (ASC08) (Web, August 17 – 22, 2008, Chicago USA. (Oral)
I.A. Volkov, O.V. Snigirev, S.N. Polyakov, A.V. Volkov, G.Y. Yurkov and S.Tanaka, “SQUID-Basw Relaxometric Diagnostics of Magnetic Nanoparticles”, Abstracts of Applied Superconductivity Conference 2008 (ASC08) (Web, August 17 – 22, 2008, Chicago USA. (Poster)
Keita Yamazaki, Yoshimi Hatsukade, Saburo Tanaka and Akira Haga, “Shield Duct to Prevent Magnetic Field Leakage Throug Openings in Double-Layered Magnetically Shielded Rooms”, Proceedings of International Magnetics Conference 2008 (Intermag 2008), EN-20, May 4-8, 2008, Madrid, Spain. (Poster)
Y. Hatsukade, A. Miyazaki, H. Matsuura, T. Maeda, Y. Fuke and S. Tanaka, “SQUID-NDE of Wire Breakage in Aluminium Transmission Line”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (the Proceedings of 8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS2007), Vol. 97, 012103, 2008. (Poster)
K. Yotsugi, Y. Hatsukade and S. Tanaka, “Robot-arm-based Mobile HTS SQUID System for NDE of Structures”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (the Proceedings of 8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS2007), Vol. 97, 012134, 2008. (Poster)
2007 Saburo Tanaka, Yoshimi Hatsukade, Tatsuoki Nagaishi and Shuichi Suzuki, “Detection of Small Partidles in Industrial Products by a SQUID Magnetometer”, Abstract of East Asia Symposium on Superconductor Electronics (EASSE2007), p23-23, Dec. 11-15, 2007, Delhi, India. (Invited Oral)
Saburo Tanaka, Yoshimi Hatsukade, Tatsuoki Nagaishi and Shuichi Suzuki, “High Tc SQUID Micro-detector for Metallic Contaminant”, Abstract of The 13th Japan-US Workshop on Advanced Superconductors, p.58-59, Nov.9-11, 2007, Gifu, Japan. ( Invited Oral)
Shinya Okuno, Masahiro Hayashi, Yoshimi Hatsukade, and Saburo Tanaka, “Development of SQUID-Based low field NMR system”, Abstract of 20th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2007), FDP-64, p.320-320, Nov. 5-7, 2007, Tsukuba, Japan (Poster)
Y.Hatsukade, K.Yotsugi and S.Tanaka, “Mobile HTS-SQUID NDE System with Robot Arm and Active Shielding using Fluxgate”,Abstract of 20th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2007), FD-27, p.147-147, Nov. 5-7, 2007, Tsukuba, Japan (Oral)
Saburo Tanaka, H.Fujita, Y.Hatsukade, T.Otani and S.Suzuki, “Metallic Contaminant Detection System for industrial products by High Tc SQUID Magnetic Sensor”, Abstract The 2nd international Conference on Advanced Nondestructive Evaluation 2007 (ANDE2007), p68-68., October 17-19, 2007, Busan, Korea. ( Oral)
Y.Hatsukade, Saburo Tanaka, “Study on Inspection of Wire Brakage in Aluminum Transmission Line using SQUID”, Abstract of The 2nd international Conference on Advanced Nondestructive Evaluation 2007 (ANDE2007), p7-7., October 17-19, 2007, Busan, Korea. ( Oral)
Saburo Tanaka, H.Fujita, Y.Hatsukade, T.Otani, S.Suzuki and T.Nagaishi, “High-Tc SQUID Micro-detector using high performance magnetic shield for industrial products”, Abstract of International Superconductive Electronics Conference 2007 (ISEC2007), pOQ03.1-3.2., June 10-14, 2007, Washington DC, USA. ( Oral)
Saburo Tanaka, Y.Hatsukade, T.Nagaishi and S. Suzuki, “Metallic Contaminant Detection System using Superconducting Magnetic Sensor for Food and Beverage”, Abstract of The Third International Forum on Food Safety, p.46-46, May 17-19, 2007, Shanghai, China. (Invited Oral)
2006 Y. Hatsukade, T. Takahashi, T. Yasui, M. Tsubaki, M. Fukumoto and S. Tanaka, “Study on nondestructive inspection using HTS-SQUID for friction stir welding between dissimilar metals”, Abstract of 19th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2006), p.156-156, Oct. 31, 2006, Nagoya, Japan. (Oral)
Y. Hatsukade, K. Yotsugi, Y. Sakaguchi and S. Tanaka, “Nondestructive inspection using HTS-SQUID on aluminum liner covered by CFRP”, Abstract of 19th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2006), p.318-318, Oct. 31, 2006, Nagoya, Japan, Nov. 1, 2006, Nagoya, Japa.n (Poster)
C. Toriyabe, Y. Torii, Y. Hatsukade, T. Eki, S. Katsura, N. Ohnishi, J. Wang, S. -Y. Yang, Y. Zhang and S. Tanaka, “Evaluation of thermo responsive magnetic nano-particles for high-Tc SQUID bio applicaiton”, Abstract of 19th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2006), p.319-319, Oct. 31, 2006, Nagoya, Japan. (Poster)
SaburoTanaka, Hiroyoshi Fujita, Yoshimi Hatsukade, Tatsuoki Nagaishi, Kazuaki Nishi, Hajime Ota , Takeyoshi Otani and Shuichi Suzuki, “High Tc SQUID based Metallic Contaminant detection System for Beverage or minced flesh”, Abstracts of Applied Superconductivity Conference 2006 (ASC06)  (Web  August 27 ? September 1, 2006, Seattle USA. (Oral)
Y. Hatsukade, S. Okuno, K. Mori and S. Tanaka, “Eddy-Current-Based SQUID-NDE For Detection of Surface Flaws on Copper Tubes”, Abstracts of Applied Superconductivity Conference 2006 (ASC06), (Web, Aug. 27- Sep. 1, 2006, Seattle, USA. (Poster)
T. Nagaishi, H. Ota, K. Nishi, K. Kuwa, T. Fujita and S. Tanaka “First Practical High Tc SQUID System for the Detection of Magnetic Foreign Substances in Commercial Products”, Abstracts of Applied Superconductivity Conference 2006 (ASC06), (Web, Aug. 27- Sep. 1, 2006, Seattle, USA. (Poster)
S.Tanaka , H. Fujita , Y. Hatsukade, T. Nagaishi, K. Nishi, H. Ota, T. Otani and S. Suzuki, “High Sensitive SQUID Detection System for Metallic Contaminant in Food and Beverage”, Abstract of 2006 Taiwan International Conerence on Superconductivity & The 8th Workshop on Low Temperature Physics, p78-78, July 31- August 4, 2006, Yi-Lan, Taiwan. (Invited Oral)
S.Tanaka , H. Fujita , Y. Hatsukade, T. Nagaishi, K. Nishi, H. Ota, T. Otani and S. Suzuki, “Metallic Contaminants detection System for Foods and Beverages by High Tc SQUID Magnetic Sensor”, Abstract of International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2006, p1?5 (SM1-01 pdf. file in CD ISBN -89-86510-05-7-98560) , July 9-13, 2006, YongPyong, Korea. (Oral)
S.Tanaka , H. Fujita , Y. Hatsukade, T. Nagaishi, K. Nishi, H. Ota, T. Otani and S. Suzuki, “High Tc SQUIDs System Detection of Magnetic Contaminants in Food and Beverage”, Abstracts of 365. WE-Heraeus-Seminar (Challenges of Applied Cryoelectrics), p32-32, May. 21-24, 2006, Weilburg, Germany. (Invited Oral)
Saburo Tanaka, “SQUID Chips for Cancer”, Abstracts of International Symposium on LifeChips 2006, p9-9, May 16-17, 2006, Irvine, CA, USA. (Invited Oral)
2005 Saburo Tanaka, H. Fujita and Yoshimi Hatsukade, “Food Contaminants Detetor using High Tc SQUIDs Magnetometer”, Proceedings of The 1st International Conference on Advanced Nonestructive Evaluation, 05A-051, p142-142, Nov. 7-9, 2005, ICC Jeju, Jeju Island , Korea. (Oral)
Yoshimi Hatsukade, Akifumi Kosugi, Shinya Okuno and Saburo Tanaka, “Inspection of Thin Copper Heat Exchanger Tubes using SQUID-NDE System”, Proceedings of The 1st International Conference on Advanced Nonestructive Evaluation, 05A-068, p12-12, Nov. 7-9, 2005, ICC Jeju, Jeju Island , Korea. (Oral)
Saburo Tanaka, Hirofumi Kurita, Chika Toriyabe, Yoshimi Hatsukade, Shinji Katsura, Oleg Snigirev and Sergey P. Gubin, “Properties of  Nano-particles for Bio Application with SQUID”, Abstract of International Workshop on Bio-magnetism & Taiwan-Japan Symposium on Superconductive Electronics, p64-64,Oct. 6-12, 2005, Taipei, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Invited Oral)
I.Volkov, S.Gudoshnikov, A.Kerimov, O.Snigirev, S.Tanaka and A.Volkov, “SQUID-Detected Relaxation Phenomena in the Ensembles of Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles”, Abstracts of 7th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS 2005), WE-P3-109, p264-264, Sep. 11-15, 2005. (Poster)
Y. Hatsukade, A. Kosugi N. Ishizaka, S. Okuno, K. Mori and S. Tanaka, “SQUID NDE for In-situ Inspection of Copper Heat Exchanger Tubes”, Abstracts of 7th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS 2005), WE-P3-112, p265-265, Sep.11-15, 2005.(Poster)
S.Tanaka , H. Fujita , Y. Hatsukade, T. Nagaishi, K. Nishi, H. Ota, T. Otani and S. Suzuki, “High Tc SQUIDs Based Food Contaminants Detection System for Sale”, Extended Abstracts of 10th International Superconductive International Conference 2005 (ISEC2005), pO-O.04, Sep. 5-9, 2005, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands. (Oral)
Saburo Tanaka, H. Fujita, Y. Hatsukade, T. Nagaishi, K. Nishi, H. Ota, T. Otani, and S. Suzuki, “High Tc SQUIDs Base Technology for Detection of Food Contaminants”, Abstracts of The Korean Superconductivity Society Meeting 2005 (KSS2005), p7-7, August 18-20, 2005, Yongpyung Resort Gangwondo, Korea. (Invited Oral)
S. Tanaka, S. Iwao, and Y. Hatsukade, “Stabilized Pulse Tube Cryocooler system with infrared lamp heater for SQUID magnetic sensor”, Abstracts of The International Conference on Electrical Engineerng 2005 (ICEE 2005), p20-20, July 10-14, 2005, Kunming, China. (Oral)
Saburo Tanaka, Zarina Aspanut, Chika Toriyabe, Yoshimi Hatuskade, Shinji Katsura, Yasuhiro Tamaki, and Shinzaburo Noguchi, “Bio Application of High-Tc SQUID Magnetic Sensor”, Abstracts of Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism 2005(MISM2005), p177-177, June26-30, 2005, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. (Invited Oral)
I. Volkov, S. Gudoshnikov, N. Usov, A. Maresov, O. Snigirev, S. Tanaka, A. Volkov, and M. Moskvina, “Retrival of Fundamenatal Parameters of Magnetic Nanoparticles from the Magnetization Relaxation Curves”, Abstracts of Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism 2005(MISM2005), p456-456, June26-30, 2005, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia (Poster).
Saburo Tanaka, Zarina Aspanut, Chika Toriyabe, Yoshimi Hatuskade and Shinji Katsura, "Medical Application of Small Magnetic Particles and SQUID Magnetic Sensor", Abstract of INTERMAG 2005, p260-260, April 4-8, 2005, Nagoya Japan. (Invited Oral)
Saburo Tanaka, Zarina Aspanut, Hirofumi Kurita, Chika Toriyabe, Yoshimi Hatsukade and Shinji Katsura, "Detection System for DNA by High Tc SQUID", Proceedings of The 2005 Japan-Taiwan Symposium on Superconductive Electronics, p89-92, February 9-11, 2005, Sapporo, Japan.(Oral)
Yoshimi Hatsukade, Akifumi Kosugi and Saburo Tanaka, “Inspection of Copper Heat Exchanger Tubes Using HTS-SQUID”, Proceedings of The 2005 Japan-Taiwan Symposium on Superconductive Electronics, p93-96, February 9-11, 2005, Sapporo, Japan.(Oral)
Y. Hatsukade, N. Kasai, H. Takashima, A. Sakamaki, Y. Maruno, S. Tanaka and A. Ishiyama, “Low-noise Cryocooler-cooled Compact SQUID-NDE System for Carbon-Fiber Composites”, Applied Superconductivity 2003 Proceedings of the 6th European Conference, Vol. 181, pp. 3231-3238, 2005.(Oral)
2004 S. Tanaka, S. Iwao and Y. Hatsukade, "Pulse tube cryocooler SQUID cooling system involving an infrared temperature controller cooled by a cryocooler", Abstract of 17th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2004), pp 162-162, November 23-25, 2004 Niigata Japan.(Oral)
Y. Hatsukade, A. Kosugi, K. Mori and S. Tanaka, “Detection of micro flaws on thin copper tubes using SQUID-NDI system based on eddy current technique”, Abstract of 17th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2004), pp 157-157, November 23-25, 2004 Niigata Japan.(Oral)
S.Tanaka, "DNA Probing System by High Tc SQUID and Ultra-small Magnetic Particles", Proceedings of The 5th Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Advanced Semiconductor Processes and Equipments, p201-206, November 18-20, 2004, Unzen, Nagasaki Japan. (Poster)
S. Tanaka, Z. Aspanut, J. Komatsu, H. Kurita, Y. Hatsukade and S. Katsura, “DNA Probing systeme by High Tc SQUID and Ultra-small magnetic particles”, Abstracts of Applied Superconductivity Conference  (ASC04)  (Web October 3-8, 2004, Florida USA (Poster).
Y. Hatsukade, T. Inaba, Y. Maruno, S. Tanaka, “Mobile Cryocooler- cooled SQUID-NDE System Utilizing Active Magnetic Shielding”, Abstracts of Applied Superconductivity Conference  (ASC04)  (Web, October 3-8, 2004, Florida USA (Invited Oral).
S.Tanaka, S.Kudo, S.Tsuboi, N.Hotta, Y.Hatsukade, T.Nagaishi, K. Nishi, H. Ota and S. Suzuki, "Detection of Contaminants in Food and Drug by Sensitive SQUID Magnetometer", Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2004(ICEE 2004) p127-131, July 4-8, 2004, Sapporo Japan. (Oral)
2003 S. Tanaka, N. Hotta, Y. Hatsukade, T. Nagaishi, K. Nishi, H. Ota and S. Suzuki, "High-Tc SQUID Detection System for Contaminants in Food and Drug", Abstract of Second East Asia Symposium on Superconductive Electronics (EASSE 2003), OB10, p49-49, November 16-20 2003 Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Oral)
S.Tanaka, N.Hotta, Y.Hatsukade, T.Nagaishi, K. Nishi, H. Ota and S. Suzuki, "Detection of metallic contaminants in foodstuffs by SQUID", Abstract of 16th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2003), p143-143 , October 27-29,2003, Tsukuba, Japan. (Invited Oral)
Saburo Tanaka, Nobuaki Tanaka, Miyuki Natsume, Masashi Uchida, Miyuki Oshita, Zarina Aspanut, Toshihiko Eki, and Sachiko Yoshida, "Measurement of signal from Cardiac Cell of Rat by High-Tc SQUID", Extended Abstracts of 9th Int. Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC 2003), PTh 34, p1-2, July 7-11 2003, Sydney, Australia.(Poster)
Saburo Tanaka, Miyuki Natsume, Masashi Uchida, Naoki Hotta, Takemasa Matsuda, Zarina Aspanut and Yoshimi Hatsukade, "Measurement of a metallic inclusion in food by high-Tc SQUID", Extended Abstracts of 9th Int. Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC 2003), PTh47, p1-2, July 7-11 2003, Sydney, Australia.(Poster)
2002 Saburo Tanaka, Yoichi Kondo, Zarina Aspanut, Yasuhiro Tamaki, Shogo Kobayashi and Shinzaburo Noguchi, "Detection of Lymph Nodes of Rat by high Tc SQUID", Proceedings of 2002 Taiwan-Japan Symposium on SQUID&Communication Electronics, p11-14,November 25-29, 2002Da-Yeh University, Changhua Taiwan. (Invited Oral)
Saburo Tanaka, Hajime Ota, Yoichi Kondo,Yasuhiro Tamaki, Shogo Kobayashi and Shinzaburo Noguchi, "Detection of Magnetic Nanoparticles in Lymph Nodes of Rat by high Tc SQUID" Abstract of Applied Superconductivity Conference, p22-22, August 4-9, 2002, Houston Texas, USA. (Oral)
Saburo Tanaka and Hajime Ota, "Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy by High -Tc SQUID Gradiometer", Proceedings of The International Conference on Electrical Engineering, p1812-1815, July 7-11, 2002 Jeju Island Korea. (Oral)
2001 Saburo Tanaka, Hajime Ota Yoichi Kondo, Yasuhiro Tamaki, Shinzaburo Noguchi and Masakatsu Hasegawa, "Position Determine System for Lymph Node relating Breast Cancer using a High Tc SQUID", Abstracts of SQUID 2001 Conference, p10, 2001, Stenungsbaden, Sweden. (Oral)
Saburo Tanaka, Hajime Ota Yoichi Kondo, Yasuhiro Tamaki, and Shinzaburo Noguchi, "Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy by a High Tc SQUID" Abstracts of EASSE01 First East Asia Symposium on Superconductive Electronics, p3, 2001 Senda Japan. (Oral)
S.Katsura, T.Yasuda, K.Hirano, A.Mizuno and S.Tanaka,: "Development of a new detection method for DNA molecules", Extended Abstracts of International Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC'01) p483-484, 2001 Osaka Japan.
S.Tanaka, T.Mizoguchi, H.Ota and Y.Kondo : "Lymph-Node detection system using a high Tc SQUID and ultra-small particles", Extended Abstracts of International Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC'01) p345-346, 2001 Osaka Japan.
S.Tanaka, K.Matsuda, O.Yamazaki, M.Natsume and H. Ota : "Development of High Tc Microscope with Flux guide", Extended Abstracts of International Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC'01) p199-200, 2001 Osaka Japan.
S.Tanaka, T. Mizoguchi, H.Ota and Y.Kondo, "Lymph-Node detection system using high-Tc SQUID and ultra-small particles", Proceedings of the 2nd Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Clean Technology and Science, p13-14, June 28-30, 2001 Toyohashi Japan.
1999 S.Tanaka, O.Yamazaki, R.Shimizu and Y Saito: "High-Tc SQUID Microscope with sample chamber", Extended Abstracts of International Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC'99), p162-165, June 21-25, 1999, Claremont Resort, Berkeley, CA USA.
1995 A.Adachi, K.Okajima, S.Tanaka, H.Toyoda, H.Itozaki, : "High-Tc superconducting quantum interference device with alternating current bias DOIT and additional positive feedback", Extended Abstracts of International Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC'95), p344-345, September 18-21, 1995, Nagoya Japan.
H.Itozaki, S.Tanaka, H.Toyoda, T.Hirano, Y.Haruta, M.Nomura, T.Saijou, H.Kado: "Multi channel high Tc SQUID system and its Application", Extended Abstracts of International Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC'95), p181-183, September 18-21, 1995, Nagoya Japan.
1994 H. Itozaki, S.Tanaka, H.Toyoda, T.Nagaishi, and H.Kado: "Multi-channel High Tc SQUID", Extended Abstracts of HTSED (High Temperature Superconducting Electron Devices) Workshop, p180-183, May 26-28, 1994, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada.
S.Tanaka, H.Itozaki, H.Toyoda, N.Harada, A.Adachi, K.Okajima, T.Nagaishi, and H.Kado: "4-Channel YBa2Cu3O7-y dc-SQUID magnetometer for biomagnetic measurements", Proc. of SPIE (OE/LASE '94), SPIE Vol. 2160, p132-140, January 25-27, 1994, Los Angeles, California, USA.
1993 H.Itozaki, S.Tanaka, N.Harada, A.Adachi, T.Komuro, H.Toyoda, K.Okajima, T.Nagaishi, and, H.Kado: "Four channel YBCO DC-SQUID", Proc. of 4th Int. Superconductive Electronic Conference (ISEC '94), p138-139, August 11-14, 1993, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
1991 H.Itozaki, S.Tanaka, K.Harada, H.Nakanishi, T.Matsuura and S.Yazu: "Heteroepitaxial Growth of High Tc Superconductor", Extended Abstracts of 3rd Workshop on High-Temperature Superconducting Electron Devices (HTSED), p144-148, May 15-17, 1991, Kumamoto Kyushu, Japan.
1990 T.Matsuura, H.Itozaki, K.Higaki and S.Tanaka: "Flux Pinning of YBCO Superconducting Thin Film", Proc. of the 2nd ISTEC Workshop on Superconductivity, p64-67, May 28-30, 1990, Kagoshima, Japan.
H.Itozaki, K.Higaki, K.Harada, S.Tanaka and S.Yazu: "BiSrCaCuO and TlBaCaCuO Superconducting Thin films", Extended Abstracts of Int. Cryogenic Materials Conf. '90 Topical Conf. High-Temperature Superconductor Materials Aspects, p43-50, May 9-11, 1990, Garmisch-Partenkirchen F.R.Germany.
1989 H.Itozaki, S.Tanaka and S.Yazu: "Preparation of High Jc Superconducting Thin Film by Sputtering", Extended Abstracts of 6th Int. Workshop on Future Electron Devices (2nd Workshop on High-Temperature Superconducting Electron Devices), p293-296, June 7-9, 1989, Hokkaido, Japan.
K.Higaki, S.Tanaka, H.Itozaki and S.Yazu: "High-Jc BiSrCaCuO Superconducting Thin film", Extended Abstracts of 6th Int. Workshop on Future Electron Devices (2nd Workshop on High-Temperature Superconducting Electron Devices), p69-72, June 7-9, 1989, Hokkaido, Japan.
H.Itozaki, K.Higaki, K.Harada, S.Tanaka, S.Yazu and K.Tada: "High Jc BiSrCaCuO Thin Film by Sputtering", Extended Abstract of 1989 Int. Superconductivity Electronic Conf. (ISEC '89), p415-419, June 12-13, 1989, Tokyo, Japan.
H.Itozaki, S.Tanaka, K.Higaki, K.Harada, S.Yazu and K.Tada: "High Jc Superconducting Thin Film", Extended Abstracts of Japan - China Oxide High Tc Superconductors Symposium, p117-122, April 9-12, 1989, Tsukuba, Japan.
H.Itozaki, S.Tanaka, K.Higaki, K.Harada and S.Yazu: "High Jc BiSrCaCuO and TlBaCaCuO Superconducting Thin Film", Extended Abstracts of ISEC Workshop on Superconductivity, p63-66, February 1-3, 1989, Ohiso, Japan.
H.Itozaki, S.Tanaka and K.Higaki: "High Tc Superconducting Thin Films prepared by Sputtering", MRS Int. Meeting on adv. Materials, Vol.6, p757-767 (Invited paper), 1989, (Extended Abstracts of MRS Int. Meeting on Advanced Materials, May 30 - June 3, Tokyo, Japan).
1988 H.Itozaki, S.Tanaka, K.Higaki and S.Yazu: "High Tc and Jc Superconducting Thin Films Prepared by Sputtering", Extended Abstracts of Spring Meeting of the MRS, p205-208, Reno, April 5-9, 1988.
H.Itozaki, S.Tanaka, K.Higaki, N.Fujimori and S.Yazu: "High-Jc Superconducting Thin film Prepared by Sputtering", Extended Abstracts of 5th Int. Workshop on Future Electron Devices (FED, High-Temperature Superconducting Electron Devices), p149-156 (Invited paper), June 2-4, 1988, Miyagi-Zao, Japan.
1987 H.Itozaki, S.Tanaka, K.Harada, N.Fujimori and S.Yazu: "Properties of High Tc Y-Ba-Cu-O Thin Film prepared by Sputtering", Extended Abstracts of 1987 Int. Superconductivity Electronics Conf. SH-17, p407 (ISEC '87), August 28-29, 1987, Tokyo, Japan.
H.Itozaki, S.Tanaka, N.Fujimori and S.Yazu: "Properties of High Tc Y-Ba-Cu-O Thin Film Prepared by Sputtering", Proc. of 8th Int. Symposium on Plasma Chemistry ISPC/TOKYO 1987, p2359-2361, August 31 - September 4, 1987, Tokyo, Japan.

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