Publication List


2012 Dan Zhanga, Shohei Fukumoto, Shingo Tsunaki, Yoshimi Hatsukade, Saburo Tanaka, “Development of signal to noise ratio of HTS-rf-SQUID for ultra-low field NMR / MRI by 77K LC resonant circuit”, Physics Procedia, (2012) to be published.
Shohei Fukumoto, Shingo Tsunaki, Takumi Chigasaki, Yoshimi Hatsukade and Saburo Tanaka, “ULF-NMR system using HTS-SQUID and permanent magnet”, Physica C, (2012) to be published.
Saburo Tanaka, Yoshihiro Kitamura, Yoshimi Hatsukade, Takeyoshi Ohtani, Shuichi Suzuki, “Metallic contaminant detection system using multi-chaneel high-Tc SQUIDs”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, (2012).(Invited paper) to be published.
2011 M. S. Aly-Hassan, Y. Takai, A. Nakai, H. Hamada, Y. Shinyama, Y. Hatsukade, S. Tanaka, “Evaluation of Damage Mechanism of ±45°Flat Braided CFRP Composites under Tensile Loading with Assistance of SQUID Technique”, accepted in Composites Part A, Elsevier. in press
Y. Hatsukade, K. Hayashi, Y. Shinyama, S. Adachi, K. Tanabe, S. Tanaka, “Robot-based 3D-mobile compact HTS-SQUID NDE system”, Physica C, 471, (2011) 1228-1233.
Y. Shinyama, Y. Hatsukade, Y. Takai, M.S. Aly-Hassan, A. Nakai, H. Hamada, S. Adachi, K. Tanabe, S. Tanaka, “Nondestructive evaluation of braided carbon fiber composites with artificial defect using HTS-SQUID gradiometer”, Physica C, 471, (2011) 1242-1245.
Yoshimi Hatsukade, Makoto Takemoto, Ryuichi Kurosawa, and Saburo Tanaka, “Integrated High-Temperature Superconductor Radio-Frequency Superconducting Quantum interference Device Covered with Superconducting Thin Films in Flip-Chip Configuration”, Appl. Phys. Express 4 (2011) 063101
S.Fukumoto, M. Hayashi, Y.Katsu, M.Suzuki, R.Morita, Y. Naganuma, Y. Hatsukade O. Snigirev and S. Tanaka, “Liquid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Measurements for Imaging using HTS-rf-SQUID in Ultra-Low Field”, Abstract of IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond,  21, (2011) 522-525.
S. Tanaka, T. Akai, Y. Kitamura, Y. Hatsukade, T. Otani, and S. Suzuki, “Two-Channel HTS SQUID Gradiometer System for Detection of Metallic Contaminants in Lithium-Ion Battery”, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 21, (2011) 424-427.
M.Takemoto, T. Akai, Y.Kitamra, Y. Hatsukade and S. Tanaka, “HTS-rf-SQUID Microscope for Mettalic Contaminant Detection”, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. , 21, (2011) 432-435. .
O. Snigirev, M. Hayashi, S. Fukumoto, Y. Hatsukade, Y. Katsu, S. Tanaka, “Development of Ultra Low Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging System Using HTS rf SQUID” , J. of Supercond. & Novel Magn., DOI 10.1007/s10948-010-0876-8, 24(2011)1033-1036.
2010 M Hayashi, Y Hatsukade, Y Katsu, S Fukumoto and S Tanaka, "Development of low field nuclear magnetic resonance system using HTS rf SQUID", J. of Phys: Conf. Ser., vol.234, p.042013, 2010.
S. Tanaka, T. Akai, M. Takemoto, Y. Hatsukade, T. Ohtani, Y. Ikeda, S. Suzuki, S. Adachi and K. Tanabe, “Application of SQUID to magnetic contaminant detection”, Physica C, 470, (2010), 1507-1510.
Y. Mashiko, Y. Hatsukade , T. Yasui, H. Takenaka, Y. Todaka, M. Fukumoto and S. Tanaka, “Evaluation of joint interface of friction stir welding between dissimilar metals using HTS-SQUID gradiometer”, Physica C, 470, (2010), 1524-1528.
2009 Saburo Tanaka, Tomohiro Akai, Makoto Takemoto, Yoshimi Hatsukade, Takeyoshi Ohtani, Yoshio Ikeda and Shuichi Suzuki, “Metallic Contaminant Detection using HTS SQUID Gradiometer”, China Physics letters, (2009). 088503-1-3.
Y. Zhang, L. Q. Qiu, H. -J. Krause, H. Dong, A. I. Braginski, S. Tanaka, A.  Offenhaeusser, “Overview of Low-field NMR Measurements Using HTS rf-SQUIDs”, Physica C, 469, (2009) 1624-1629.
A. Miyazaki, Y. Hatsukade, H. Matsuura, T. Maeda, A. Suzuki and S. Tanaka, “Detection of wire element breakage in power transmission line using HTS SQUID”, Physica C, 469, (2009) 1643-1648.
Y Hatsukade, K Hayashi, M Takemoto and S Tanaka, “Determination of the robustness of an HTS SQUID magnetometer covered with a superconducting film shield in an ac magnetic field”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 22 (2009) 114010.
Saburo Tanaka, T. Akai, Y. Hatsukade, T. Ohtani, Y. Ikeda, S. Suzuki, H. and K. Tanabe, “High Tc SQUID Detection System for Metallic Contaminant in Lithium Ion Battery”, IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, 45、No.10, (2009) 4510-4513.
S.Tanaka, T.Akai, Y.Hatsukade, T.Otani, and S.Suzuki, “High Tc SQUID System for Detection of Small Metallic Contaminant in industrial products”, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond.,19, (2009) 882-885.
Longqing Q. Qiu, Yi Zhang, Hans-Joachim Krause, Alex I. Braginski, Saburo Tanaka, and Andreas Offenhausser Andreas Offenhausser, “High-Performance Low-Field NMR Utilizing a High-Tc rf SQUID”, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond.,19, (2009) 831-834.
Y. Hatsukade, K. Yotsugi, S. Kanai, K. Hayashi, H. Wakana, Y. Tarutani, K. Tanabe, and S. Tanaka, “Robot-based NDE System Using 3D-Mobile HTS-SQUID”, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond.,19, (2009) 796-800.
S. Kanai, Y. Hatsukade, K. Hayashi, K. Mori, and S. Tanaka, “Eddy-current-based SQUID-NDE System for Copper Tubes with Laser Displacement Sensor”, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond.,19, (2009) 786-790.
Saburo Tanaka, Tomonori Akai, Yoshimi Hatsukade and Shuichi Suzuki, “High Tc SQUID Detector for Magnetic Metallic Particles in Products”, IEICE Trans.on Electronics, E92-C, (2009) 323-326.
Saburo Tanaka, Yoshimi Hatsukade, Takeyoshi Ohtani, Shuichi Suzuki, “SQUID sensor application for small metallic particle detection” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 321, (2009)880-883.
Y. Hatsukade, A. Miyazaki, H. Matsuura, T. Maeda, A. Suzuki and S. Tanaka, “Study on Inspection of Wire Brakage in Aluminum Transmission Line using SQUID”, NDT & E International, 43, (2009)170-173.
Ivan Volkov, Oleg Snigirev1, Alexander Maresov, Alexander Volkov, Yasukuni Torii, and Saburo Tanaka, “SQUID-Based Relaxometric Diagnostics of Magnetic Nanoparticles”, Solid State Phenomena, 152-153 (2009) 217-220.
Y. Hatsukade, K. Noda, S. Masaki, S. Yoshida and S. Tanaka, “Multi-channel high-Tc SQUID system for bio-applications”, Solid State Phenomena, 152-153 (2009) 424-427.
廿日出 好,代継 浩平,金井 翔,林 啓太,田中 三郎,「冷凍冷却HTS-SQUIDグラジオメータを用いたロボットアーム式モバイル非破壊検査装置の開発」,低温工学,44(2009) 54-60.
廿日出 好,宮崎 敦司,松浦 英樹,前田 龍己,福家 靖司,田中 三郎,「高温超伝導SQUIDを用いたアルミ撚り線の素線断線の検出」,低温工学,44(2009) 61-67.
2008 Keita Yamazaki, Yoshimi Hatsukade, Saburo Tanaka and Akira Haga, “Shield Duct to Prevent Magnetic Field Leakage Throug Openings in Double-Layered Magnetically Shielded Rooms”, IEEE Trans. on Mag., 44, No.11, (2008) 4187-4190.
SaburoTanaka, Hiroyoshi Fujita, Yoshimi Hatsukade, Takeyoshi Otani and Shuichi Suzuki, “Metallic Contaminant Detection Systemn for Industrial Products by High Tc SQUID Magnetic Sensor”, Modern Physics Letters B, Vol.22(2008) 1075-1080.
Y. Hatsukade, K. Yotsugi and S. Tanaka, “Mobile HTS-SQUID NDE system with robot arm and active shielding using fluxgate”, Physica C, Vol. 468 (2008) 1932-1935 .
Ivan Volkov, Maxim Chukharkin, Oleg Snigirev, Alexander Volkov, Saburo Tanaka and Coenrad Fourie, “Determination of the anisotropy constant and saturation magnetization of magnetic nanoparticles from magnetization relaxation curves”, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, vol.10 (2008) 487-497.
2007 Hideo Tsuji, Yoshio Kawashima, Hiromumi Takikawa, Saburo Tanaka, “Poly(L-lactide)/nano-structured carbon composites: Conductivity, thermal properties, crystallization and biodegradation”, Polymer, 48, (2007) 4213-4225.
SaburoTanaka, H. Fujita, Y. Hatsukade, T. Otani, S. Suzuki and T. Nagaishi, “High-Tc SQUID Micro-detector using high performance magnetic shield for industrial products”, Supercond. Sci. Technol., Vol. 20 (2007) S385-S388.
藤田啓義、廿日出 好、山崎慶太、田中三郎、“有限要素法による多層磁気シールドルーム開口部の漏洩磁界に関する検討”、Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan, Vol.31(2007)416-420.
Y. Hatsukade, T. Takahashi, T. Yasui, M. Tsubaki, M. Fukumoto and S. Tanaka, “Study on nondestructive inspection using HTS-SQUID for friction stir welding between dissimilar metals”, Physica C,vol. 463-464 (2007) 1038-1042.
Y. Hatsukade, K. Yotsugi, Y. Sakaguchi and S. Tanaka, “Nondestructive inspection using HTS-SQUID on aluminum liner covered by CFRP”, Physica C, vol. 463-464 (2007) 1043-1047.
S. Tanaka, C. Toriyabe, Y. Torii, Y. Hatsukade, T. Eki, S. Katsura, N. Ohnishi, J. Wang, S. -Y. Yang, and Y. Zhang, “Evaluation of thermo responsive magnetic nano-particles for high-Tc SQUID bio applicaiton”, Physica C, vol. 463-464 (2007) 1029-1033.
S. Tanaka, H. Fujita, Y. Hatsukade, T. Nagaishi, K. Nishi, H. Ota, S. Suzuki and T. Otani “High Tc SQUID based Magnetic Contaminant Detection System For Beverage or Minced Meat”, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 17 (2007) 756-759.
Y.Hatsukade, S.Okuno, K.Mori and S.Tanaka, “Eddy-Current-Based SQUID-NDE For Detection of Surface Flaws on Copper Tubes”, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 17 (2007) 780-783.
T.Nagaishi, H.Ota, K.Nishi, K.Kuwa, T.Fujita and S.Tanaka, “First Practical High Tc SQUID System for the Detection of Magnetic Foreign Substances in Commercial Products”, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 17 (2007) 800-803.
K.Nishi, Y.Hatsukade, S.Tanaka, K.Awazu and H.Horiike, “Free electron laser-induced photocurrent in high-Tc superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-x films”, Journal of Magnetism and magnetic materials, 310 (2007) 509-510.
K.Nishi, Y.Hatsukade, S.Tanaka, K.Awazu and H.Horiike, “Analysis of High-Tc Superconducting Films Using a Free Electron Laser”, Trans. of Materials Research Society of Japan, 32 (2007) 235-237.
S.Tanaka, H.Fujita, Y.Hatsukade, TNagaishi, K.Nishi, H.Ota, T.Otani, and S.Suzuki, “High Sensitive SQUID Detection System for Metallic Conyaminant in Food or Beverage”, Chinese J. of Physics, 45, NO.2-U Aparil (2007) 190-198.
2006 SaburoTanaka, Hiroyoshi Fujita, Yoshimi Hatsukade, Tatsuoki Nagaishi, Kazuaki Nishi, Hajime Ota, Takeyoshi Otani and Shuichi Suzuki, “Detection of Metal Contaminants in Food using High Tc SQUIDs Magnetometer”, Key Engineering Materials, 321-323 (2006) 1163-1167
Y. Hatsukade, S. Okuno, K. Mori and S. Tanaka, “Experimental Study of Detectable Sizes of Surface Flaws on Copper Tubes Using High-Tc Superconducting Quantum Interference Device”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 45, pp. L980-L983, 2006.
SaburoTanaka, Hiroyoshi Fujita, Yoshimi Hatsukade, TatsuokiNagaishi, Kazuaki Nishi, Hajime Ota, Takeyoshi Otani and Shuichi Suzuki, “Detectionof Metal Contaminants in Food using High Tc SQUIDs Magnetometer”, KeyEngineering Materials, 321-323(2006) 1163-1167.
Yoshimi Hatsukade,ShinyaOkuno, Kazuaki Mori and Saburo Tanaka, “Inspection of Thin CopperHeat Exchange Tubes Using SQUID-NDE System”, Key Engineering Materialas, 321-323 (2006) 1425-1430.
Saburo Tanaka, SoichiroIwao and Yoshimi Hatsukade “Stabilized Pulse Tube Cryocooler System with Infrared Lamp Heater for SQUID Magnetic Sensor”, Sensors and Materials, 18 (2006) 131-137.
Saburo Tanaka, Zarina Aspanut, Chika Toriyabe, Yoshimi Hatuskade,Shinji Katsura, Yasuhiro Tamaki, and Shinzaburo Noguchi, “Bio Application ofHigh-Tc SQUID Magnetic Sensor”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 300 (2006) e315-e319.
I.Volkov, S. Gudoshnikov, N. Usov, A. Volkov, M. Moskvina, A. Maresov, O.Snigirev and S. Tanaka, “SQUID-measurementsof relaxation time of Fe3O4 superparamagnetic nanoparticle ensembles”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 300 (2006)e294-e297
Y.Hatsukade, A. Kosugi, N. Ishizaka, S. Okuno, K. Mori and S. Tanaka, “SQUID NDEfor In-situ Inspection of Copper Heat Exchanger Tubes”, Supercond. Sci.Technol., Vol. 19 (2006) S149-S151
S. Tanaka, H. Fujita, Y. Hatsukade, T.Nagaishi, K. Nishi, H. Ota, T. Otani and S. Suzuki, “A food contaminantdetection system based on high-Tc SQUIDs”, Supercond. Sci. Technol., Vol. 19 (2006) S280-S283.
2005 廿日出 好,小杉 明史,森 憲亮,田中 三郎,「高温超伝導SQUIDを用いた銅製伝熱管表面の微細欠陥の非破壊検査」,低温工学,Vol.40, No.8, (2005) 319-326.
岩尾 聡一郎,廿日出 好,田中 三郎,「赤外光温度制御装置を用いたHTS SQUID冷凍機冷却システムの検討」,低温工学, Vol.40,No.7, (2005) 300-304.
S. Tanaka, S. Iwao and Y. Hatsukade "Pulse tube cryocooler SQUID cooling system involving an infrared temperature controller cooled by a cryocooler", to be published in Physica C, 2005.
Y. Hatsukade, A. Kosugi, K. Mori and S. Tanaka, “Detection of micro flaws on thin copper tubes using SQUID-NDI system based on eddy current technique”, Physica C, 426-431 (2005) 1585-1590
Saburo Tanaka, Zarina Aspanut, Hirofumi Kurita, Chika Toriyabe, Yoshimi Hatsukade and Shinji Katsura, "A DNA Detection System Based upon a High Tc SQUID and Ultra-small Magnetic Particles", IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 15(2005) 664-667.
Y. Hatsukade, T. Inaba, Y. Maruno and S. Tanaka, “Mobile Cryocooler-based SQUID NDE System Utilizing Active Magnetic Shielding”, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 15(2005) 723-728.
Saburo Tanaka, Shozen Kudo, Yoshimi Hatsukade, Tatsuoki Nagaishi, Kazuaki Nishi, Hajime Ota and Shuichi Suzuki, "High-Tc SQUID Metal Detection System for Food and Pharmaceutical Contaminants", IEICE Trans on Electronics, E88-C No.2 (2005) 175-179. (Invited Paper)
2004 S. Tanaka, N. Hotta, Y. Hatsukade, T. Nagaishi, K. Nishi, H. Ota and S. Suzuki, “High-Tc SQUID Detection System for Contaminants in Food and Drug”, Chinese J. Phys., 42(2004) 526-533
Y. Hatsukade, A. Kosugi, K. Mori, S. Tanaka, “Eddy Current Based SQUID-NDI System for Thin Copper Tubes”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 43(2004) L1488-L1491.
Y. Hatsukade, T. Inaba, N. Kasai, Y. Maruno, A. Ishiyama, S. Tanaka, “Detection of Deep-lying Defects in Carbon Fiber Composites Using SQUID-NDE System Cooled by a Cryocooler”, Physica C, 412-414 P2 (2004) 1484-1490.
Saburo Tanaka, Miyuki Natsume, Masashi Uchida, Naoki Hotta, Takemasa Matsuda, Zarina A spanut and Yoshimi Hatsukade, "Measurement of a metallic contaminant in food by high-Tc SQUID", Superconductivity Science and Technology, 17 (2004) 620-623.
2003 Saburo Tanaka, Nobuaki Tanaka, Miyuki Natsume, Masashi Uchida, Miyuki Oshita, Zarina Aspanut, Toshihiko Eki, and Sachiko Yoshida, "Measurement of signal from Cardiac Cell of Rat by High-Tc SQUID", Superconductivity Science and Technology, 16 (2003) 1536-1539.
Saburo Tanaka, Hajime Ota, Yoichi Kondo,Yasuhiro Tamaki, Shogo Kobayashi and Shinzaburo Noguchi, "Detection of Magnetic Nanoparticles in Lymph Nodes of Rat by high Tc SQUID" IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 13 (2003) 377-380.
2002 Saburo Tanaka, Hajime Ota Yoichi Kondo, Yukiko Matsuzawa, Yasuhiro Tamaki, and Shinzaburo Noguchi, "Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy by a High Tc SQUID" Singapore Journal of Physics, 18 (2002) 17-22.
Saburo Tanaka, Hajime Ota Yoichi Kondo, Yasuhiro Tamaki, Shinzaburo Noguchi and Masakatsu Hasegawa, "Position Determine System for Lymph Node relating Breast Cancer using a High Tc SQUID", Physica C 368 (2002) 32-36.
S.Tanaka, T.Mizoguchi, H.Ota and Y.Kondo : "Lymph-Node detection system using a high Tc SQUID and ultra-small particles", IEICE Transactions Electron. E85-C No.3 (2002) 687-690.
S.Tanaka, K.Matsuda, O.Yamazaki, M.Natsume and H. Ota : "Development of High Tc Microscope with Flux guide", Superconductor Science and Technology, 15 (2002) 146-149.
2001 S.Katsura, T.Yasuda, K.Hirano, A.Mizuno and S.Tanaka,: "Development of a new detection method for DNA molecules", Superconductor Science and Technology, 14 (2001) 1131-1134.
S.Tanaka, K.Matsuda, O.Yamazaki, M.Natsume, H. Ota, T. Mizoguchi: "Properties of High Tc Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Microscope with High m-metal Needle",Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 40 (2001) L431-433.
S.Tanaka and A.Hirata, Y.Saito. T.Mizoguchi, Y.Tamaki, I.Sakita and M.Monden, :"Application of High Tc SQUID Magnetometer for Sentinel-Lymph Node Biopsy", IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 11 (2001) 665-668.
2000 S.Tanaka, R.Shimizu, Y.Saito, K.Shin: "Development of a High-Tc SQUID Cryo-system for the Measrurement of a Remanent Magnetic Field of Rock", IEICE Transactions E-83-C (2000) 44-48.
1999 S.Tanaka, O.Yamazaki, R.Shimizu and Y Saito: "High-Tc SQUID Microscope with sample chamber", Supercond. Sci. Technol. 12 (1999) 809-812.
S.Tanaka, O.Yamazaki, R.Shimizu and Y.Saito: "Windowless High Tc Superconducting Interference Device Microscope", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 38 (1999)L505-507.
S. Tanaka and K.Inadomi: "Diagnosis of electric cable insulation by High Tc SQUID", IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 9 (1999) 4373-4376.
1997 E.Dantsker, O.M.Froehlich, S.Tanaka, K.Kouznetsov, and J.Clarke: "High-Tc superconducting gradiometere with a long baseline asymmetric flux transformer", Appl. Phys. Lett. 71 (1997) 1712-1714.
E.Dantsker, S.Tanaka, and J.Clarke: "High-Tc super conducting quantum interference devices with slots or holes: Low 1/f noise in ambient magneticc fields", Appl. Phys. Lett. 70 (1997) 2037-2039.
E.Dantsker, S.Tanaka, P.-A.Nilsson, R.Kleiner and J.Clarke, :"Low Excess Flux Noise in YBa2Cu3O7-x dc SQUIDs Cooled in Static Magnetic Fields", IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 7, No.2 (1997) 2772-2775.
1996 E.Dantsker, S.Tanaka, P.-A.Nilsson, R.Kleiner and J.Clarke: "Reduction of l/f Noise in High-Tc dc Superconducting QUantum Interference Devices Cooled in an Ambient Magnetic Field", Appl. Phys. Lett. 69 (1996) 4099-4101.
A.Adachi, K.Okajima, S.Tanaka, H.Toyoda and H.Itozaki: "A high-Tc superconducting quantum interference device with an alternating current bias DOIT and additional positive feedback", Superconductor Science & Technology 9, No.4 (1996) 100-104.
H.Itozaki, S.Tanaka, H.Toyoda, T.Hirano, Y.Harruta, M.Nomura, T.Saijou and H.Kado: "A multi-channel high-Tc SQUID system and its application", Superconductor Science & Technology 9, No.4 (1996) 38-41.
1995 A.Adachi, K.Okajima, Y.Takada, S.Tanaka, H.Itozaki, H.Toyoda and H.Kado: "High Tc Superconducting Quantum Interference Device with Additional Positive Feedback" IEICE Transactions E78-C (1995) 519-525.
1994 S.Tanaka, H.Itozaki, and H.Kado: "Flux Trapping of High Tc dc SQUID", Advanced in Superconductivity VII (1994) , p1117-1120.
田中三郎: "高温超電導SQUIDを使った生体磁気計測", 電気学会誌、Journal of IEE of Japan, Vol. 114, No. 4, April, (1994) 233-237. (招待論文)
S.Tanaka, H.Itozaki, H.Toyoda, N.Harada, A.Adachi, K.Okajima, and H.Kado: "Four-channel YBa2Cu3O7-y dc SQUID Magnetometer for Biomagnetic Measurement", Appl. Phys. Lett. 64 (1994) 514-517.
H.Itozaki, S.Tanaka, T.Nagaishi, H.Kado: "Multi-channel high Tc SQUID", IEICE Transactions. 2160 E77-C (1994) 1185-1190. (Invited paper)
1993 H.Itozaki, S.Tanaka, T.Nagaishi, and H.Kado: "High Tc SQUID", Advanced in Superconductivity VI (1993) p1097-1112.
S.Tanaka, H.Itozaki, H.Toyoda, A.Adachi, K.Okajima, T.Nagaishi, and H.Kado: "Large Washer SQUID", Advanced in Superconductivity VI (1993) p1115-1118
S.Tanaka, H.Itozaki, and T.Nagaishi: "Properties of YBa2C3O7-y Large Washer SQUID", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 32 (1993) L662-L664.
S.Tanaka, H.Kado, T.Matsuura and H.Itozaki: "Step-Edge Junction of YBCO Thin Films on MgO Substrates" IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 3 (1993) 2365-2368.
1992 S.Tanaka, H.Itozaki, H.Kado, H.Toyoda, and T.Nagaishi: "YBa2Cu3O7-y SQUID with Step-Edge Junctions", Advanced in Superconductivity V (1992) p1067-1070.
1991 T.Nagaishi, H.Itozaki, S.Tanaka, T.Matsuura, N.Ota, N.Fujimori and S.Yazu: "YBa2Cu3Y7-y Thin film Prepared by laser Ablation", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 30 (1991) L718-L720.
S.Tanaka, H.Nakanishi, K.Higaki, T.Matsuura and H.Itozaki: "Epitaxial Growth of YBCO/MgO /YBCO Structure", IEEE Trans. Magn. 27 (1991) 1607-1611.
1990 S.Tanaka, H.Nakanishi, K.Higaki T.Matsuura and H.Itozaki: "Epitaxial Growth of YBCO/MgO /YBCO/Structure", Advanced in Superconductivity III (1990) p1183-1186. (Invited paper)
S.Tanaka, H.Nakanishi, K.Higaki and H.Itozaki: "epitaxial growth of MgO Layer on Y1Ba2Cu3O7-y Thin Film", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 29 (1990) 1059-1065.
T.Ariawa, H.Itozaki, K.Harada, K.Higaki, S.Tanaka and S.Yazu: "Crystal Orientation of Y1Ba2Cu3Y7-y Thin Film Prepared by RF Magnetron Sputtering", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 29 (1990) L2199-L2202.
K.Harada, S.Tanaka, H.Itozaki and S.Yazu: "Heteroepitaxial Growth of Y-Ba-Cu-O /Bi-Sr-Cu-O /Y-Ba-Cu-O", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 29 (1990) L1114-L1116.
1989 K.Higaki, S.Tanaka, H.Itozaki, and S.Yazu: "Microwave Propagation on High-Jc YBCO Transmission Lines", Advanced in Superconductivity II (1989) p991-994.
T.Matsuura, S.Tanaka, H.Itozaki and S.Yazu: "Resistive Behavior of High Tc Superconducting Thin Film in Magnetic Field", Proc. of the 2nd Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'89), p687-690, November 14-17, 1989, Tsukuba, Japan.
S.Tanaka, H.Itozaki and S.Yazu: "Preliminary Study of YBCO/Au/YBCO Josephson Junction", Advanced in Superconductivity II (1989) p1021-1024.
H.Itozaki, K.Higaki, K.Harada, S.Tanaka, S.Yazu and K.Tada: "Properties of High Jc BiSrCaCuO and TlBaCaCuO Thin Film", Physica C 162-164 (1989) 367-368.
S.Tanaka, and H.Itozaki: "Crystallinity and Morphology of Superconducting Thin Films Prepared by Sputtering", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 28 (1989) L441-L443.
1988 H.Itozaki, K.Higaki, K.Harada, S.Tanaka, N.Fujimori and S.Yazu: "Properties of High Jc BiSrCaCuO Thin Film", Advanced in Superconductivity I (1988) p599-604.
H.Itozaki, S.Tanaka, K.Higaki and S.Yazu: "High Jc Superconducting Thin Films Prepared by Sputtering", Physica C 153-155 (1988) 1155-1158.
S.Tanaka and H.Itozaki: "High-Jc Superconducting Single Crystalline HoBaCuO Thin Films by Sputtering", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 27(1988) L622-L624.

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